Current Embryology of the Temporal Bone, Part I: the Inner Ear
Learning Objective: The reader will understand the development of the inner ear and how it can lead to the congenital variations that are encountered in a radiology practice.
Keywords: BDNF = Brain derived neurotrophic factor; BEN = Bursal epithelium and neurons, a surface glycoprotein; BMP = Bone morphogenetic protein; BRN3 = Brain-3, a POU domain transcription factor; DACH = Dachshund homolog, a nuclear factor; DAN = Differential screening-selected gene aberrative in neuroblastoma, a BMP inhibitor; DELTA = Single-pass transmembrane ligand for Notch, mediating cell-cell interactions; DIX = Domain protein important in WNT and other protein-protein interactions; DLX = Distal-less family of homeobox protein; DLX = The Distal-less (Dlx) family of genes; EYA = Eyes absent homolog, a transcription factor; EYA = The EYA1 gene provides instructions for making a protein that plays a role in regulating the activity of other genes. It is a transcription factor or transcription coactivator; Endothelin = A secreted signaling peptide; Espin = Ectoplasmic specialization protein or autosomal recessive deafness protein; FGF = Fibroblast growth factor; FGFR = Fibroblast growth factor receptor; FOX = Forkhead box transcription factor; GATA = Transcription factors binding to the “GATA” DNA sequence; GBX = Gastrulation and brain-specific homeobox protein; GSC = Goosecoid, a homeobox protein; HES = Hairy and enhancer of split bHLH transcription factors; HLH = Helix-loop-helix transcription factors; HOX = A homeobox protein; JAGGED = A ligand for the receptor Notch; LFNG = Lunatic Fringe, a member of the fringe gene family of GlcNAc-transferases, which modify Notch signaling; LUNATIC FRINGE = A gene whose role in embryonic development is to establish the anterior boundary of regions; MATH = Mammalian atonal homologue 1 (also known as Atoh1), a proneural protein; MSX = Muscle segment homeobox gene; Myosin = A family of ATP-dependent motor proteins; NEUROD = Neuronal differentiation, a basic helix-loop helix transcription factor; NOTCH = A transmembrane receptor for Delta and Serrate, mediating cell-cell interactions; NT3 = Neurotrophin-3, a secreted growth factor; NUMB = Encodes a protein that plays a role in determining cell fates during development; OTX = Orthodenticle-related homeobox gene; PAX = Paired box transcription factors; PENDRIN = A sodium-independent chloride/iodide transporter; POU = Pou domain transcription factors; PRX = paired class homeobox gene; RA = retinoic acid; SERRATE = transmembrane ligand for NOTCH; SHH = sonic hedgehog, a secreted signaling factor; SIX = sine oculis homeobox transcription factor; SOX = Sry-related homeobox gene; TGF = transforming growth factor; TIMP = Tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases; WNT = wingless/int1 family of secreted signaling molecules; bHLH = Basic helix-loop helix
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: 01 July 2016
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