MR Imaging‐Guided High Intensity Focused Ultrasound in the Treatment of Neurologic Disease: Current Applications and Future Directions
Learning Objective: To provide a comprehensive review of the existing literature on current neurologic applications of MR imaging‐guided high-intensity focused ultrasound and the relevant anatomic targets for each disease entity, discuss investigative applications and future directions for MR imaging‐guided high-intensity focused ultrasound, and increase awareness among providers to promote safe informed use of this relatively newer technology
Keywords: CLT = central lateral thalamotomy; CLp = posterior central lateral nucleus; CRST = Clinical Rating Scale for Tremor; DBS = deep brain stimulation; ET = essential tremor; FUS = focused ultrasound; GDNF = glial-derived neurotrophic factor; GPi = globus pallidus interna; HIFU = high-intensity focused ultrasound; MRgFUS = MR imaging‐guided focused ultrasound; MTLE = mesial temporal lobe epilepsy; OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder; PC = posterior commissure; PD = Parkinson disease; PSA = posterior subthalamic area; RNS = responsive neurostimulation; STN = subthalamic nucleus; UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; VIM = ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: February 1, 2024
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