3D Cinematic Volume-Rendering Technique of Traumatic Spine Injuries: A Powerful Tool for Radiology Education
Spine trauma represents a common indication for imaging in the emergency department. Multidetector CT imaging, with its advantage of multiplanar reconstructions and fast image acquisition, is the technique of choice in the initial assessment of a patient with polytrauma. While many
simple spinal fractures are adequately evaluated on 2D multiplanar reconstruction images, more complex, potentially displaced fracture patterns can be more fully highlighted on 3D reconstructions. Compared with conventional volume-rendering techniques, cinematic rendering uses a complex illumination
model to create a more photorealistic representation of the fracture patterns, images that are certain to excite both trainees and clinicians. This review demonstrates the educational value and clinical utility of 3D cinematic rendering images in understanding complex spinal column injuries.
Learning Objective: To demonstrate the methodology, clinical applicability, and educational utility behind 3D photorealistic cinematic rendering images of spine injuries, with emphasis on the “tension bands” biomechanical concept
Learning Objective: To demonstrate the methodology, clinical applicability, and educational utility behind 3D photorealistic cinematic rendering images of spine injuries, with emphasis on the “tension bands” biomechanical concept
Keywords: CR = cinematic rendering; DISH = diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis; ED = emergency department; VRT = volume-rendering technique
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: October 1, 2022
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