Embolization of Spontaneous Orbital Arteriovenous Fistula through a Thrombosed Superior Ophthalmic Vein: A Technical Report and Review of Relevant Literature
Orbital AVFs, abnormal vascular connections between orbital arteries and veins, are extremely rare. Often traumatic, few reports of spontaneous orbital fistulas have been reported so far. Treatment is warranted for deteriorating visual symptoms, but obliteration of the fistula can be
challenging. We present such a case that symptomatically mirrored a carotid cavernous fistula. A novel approach was used by traversing a thrombosed superior ophthalmic vein to embolize the lesion. In addition, a complete literature review is presented.
Keywords: AVM = arterio-venous malformation; CTA = computed tomography angiogram; DSA = digital subtraction angiogrpahy; ICA = internal carotid artery; IOP = intra ocular pressure; IOV = inferior ophthalmic vein; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; OAVF = orbital arteriovenous fistula; SOV = superior ophthalmic vein
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: August 1, 2020
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