Demystifying Astroblastomas: A Case Report and Review. What Have We Learned So Far?
Astroblastoma is a rare supratentorial, mixed solid and cystic tumor. It is a histologically complex tumor and is currently not assigned a World Health Organization grade due to insufficient data. In addition, it has no standardized treatment protocol. We present a patient with astroblastoma
with a brief review of the literature to highlight the radiologic findings. Increasing awareness of this potentially treatable tumor will help in the early diagnosis and in establishing a universally accepted management protocol.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: August 1, 2019
This article was made available online on July 10, 2019 as a Fast Track article with title: "Demystifying Astroblastomas: A Case Report and Review. What Have We Learned So Far?".
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