Magnetic Resonance Imaging Patterns in Nontraumatic Pediatric Spinal Cord Myelopathy
The goal of this pictorial review is to illustrate the various spinal cord MR imaging patterns that can be encountered in the child who develops acute noncompressive myelopathy. By recognizing the distinctive abnormal MR imaging patterns caused by various spinal cord pathologies, poliomyelitis-like
syndromes can be distinguished from other noncompressive, nontraumatic pathologies, such as autoimmune disorders, demyelinating diseases, metabolic abnormalities, vascular lesions, and neoplasia. In this article, we propose a simple categorization scheme based on the MR imaging pattern of
distribution in the spinal cord to facilitate the diagnosis of nontraumatic spinal cord lesions.
Learning Objective: To be able to differentiate various noncompressive pediatric spinal cord pathologies using a simple MR imaging categorization scheme.
Learning Objective: To be able to differentiate various noncompressive pediatric spinal cord pathologies using a simple MR imaging categorization scheme.
Keywords: ADEM = acute disseminated encephalomyelitis; AFM = acute flaccid myelitis; AFP = acute flaccid paralysis; AQP4 = serum aquaporin-4; ATM = acute transverse myelitis; EV = enterovirus; GBS = Guillain-Barré syndrome; HPeV = human parechovirus; IgE = immunoglobulin E; LE = longitudinally extensive; NMO = neuromyelitis optica; SCD = spinocerebellar degeneration; SCI = spinal cord infarction; WHO = World Health Organization; sDAVF = spinal dural arteriovenous fistula
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: June 1, 2019
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