In and Around the Optic Chiasm: A Pictorial Review of Neuroimaging
The optic chiasm is a key anatomic structure along the visual pathway, situated at the crossroads between the optic nerves and tracts. A wide range of diseases can affect the optic chiasm and its surrounding strategic region at the base of the brain. Management strategies for optic
chiasm abnormalities vary substantially, depending on the abnormalities revealed on neuroimaging. Scant attention has been paid to date to the comprehensive classification of neuroimaging manifestations of optic chiasm abnormalities. We comprehensively reviewed and presented the imaging findings
in a wide spectrum of pathologies that originate from or involve the optic chiasm. This review will aid in differentiating the many neuroimaging appearances of lesions in this region.
Learning Objective: List the lesions that involve the optic chiasm and classify them according to their etiology.
Learning Objective: List the lesions that involve the optic chiasm and classify them according to their etiology.
Keywords: AIDS = acquired immunodeficiency syndrome; CCF = carotid-cavernous sinus fistula; GBM = glioblastoma; NCC = neurocysticercosis; TB = tuberculosis
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: February 1, 2019
This article was made available online on November 6, 2018 as a Fast Track article with title: "In and Around the Optic Chiasm: A Pictorial Review of Neuroimaging".
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