Ocular Imaging: A Pictorial Review
Radiologists are routinely exposed to a spectrum of different imaging features that involve the globe, including expected and incidentally discovered ocular pathologies. Beyond that, there is a range of ophthalmologic procedures that can alter the normal ocular anatomy image. The ability
to recognize these conditions is critical for accurate radiologic interpretation and to prevent unnecessary further follow-up. Fortunately, there are characteristic findings that enable the correct diagnosis. The purpose of this pictorial review was to provide a comprehensive anatomic review
of the ocular globe and to discuss prevalent ocular imaging patterns to allow a systematic radiologic approach and prompt identification of a range of imaging features on CT and MRI.
Learning Objective: To discuss imaging characteristics of prevalent intraocular lesions and incidental findings as well as postoperative imaging features in CT and MR imaging.
Learning Objective: To discuss imaging characteristics of prevalent intraocular lesions and incidental findings as well as postoperative imaging features in CT and MR imaging.
Keywords: GDD = glaucoma drainage device; IOL = intraocular lens
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: August 1, 2018
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