Venous Aneurysms of the Neck: A Presentation of Two Cases and Review of the Literature
A venous aneurysm is a rare etiology of a neck mass. Venous aneurysms are localized, abnormal fusiform, or saccular venous dilatations that usually communicate via a single channel with a neck vein. Venous aneurysms typically present as a painless, compressible neck mass. A symptomatic,
enlarging, or complicated venous aneurysm often requires surgical excision. We reported 2 patients with venous aneurysms who presented with symptomatic neck masses and review the spectrum of imaging findings in this unusual condition.
Keywords: CT = computed tomography; CTA = computed tomographic angiography; MRV = magnetic resonance venography; VA = venous aneurysm
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: September 1, 2016
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