Postsurgical Temporal Bone: A Pictorial Essay of Commonly Encountered Neuro-otologic Surgical Approaches and Postoperative Imaging Appearance
Interpreting imaging studies of the temporal bone after middle ear, mastoid, and internal auditory canal surgery can be challenging for neuroradiologists in training as well as for those in practice. We aimed to review the more commonly performed neuro-otologic surgical approaches and
their indications as well as the expected postoperative findings on cross-sectional imaging of the temporal bone. A greater understanding of the radiologic postoperative appearance facilitates the recognition of complications and recurrent disease, when present, and enables the radiologist
to provide expert interpretations to the surgeon.
Learning Objective: Describe the expected postoperative imaging appearance of the most commonly performed neuro-otologic surgical approaches.
Learning Objective: Describe the expected postoperative imaging appearance of the most commonly performed neuro-otologic surgical approaches.
Keywords: CI = cochlear implantation; CSF = cerebrospinal fluid; CT = computed tomography; CWD = canal wall down; CWU = canal wall up; IAC = internal auditory canal; MCF = middle cranial fossa; MR = magnetic resonance
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: May 1, 2016
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