Reorganization of the Broca Area to the Contralateral Cerebral Hemisphere in Two Patients with Epilepsy with Histories of Remote Head Trauma
We described 2 unusual cases of expressive language reorganization to the right frontal lobe in right-handed patients with epilepsy and with remote histories of head trauma. Both patients exhibited right-sided expressive language dominance but receptive language lateralized to the left
cerebral hemisphere in one patient and to the right hemisphere in the other patient. These patients' findings indicate that there may be an association between significant left frontal lobe trauma and altered language activation patterns within the brain.
Keywords: EPI = echo-planar imaging; FSE = fast spin echo; MPRAGE = magnetization prepared rapid acquisition gradient-echo; SPECT = single-photon emission computed tomography; SPGR = spoiled gradient recalled; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: November 1, 2015
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