Fetal Brain MRI: Patterned Approach and Review
Over the past 2 decades, MR imaging has proved to be an extremely useful adjunctive tool in evaluating the developing fetal brain. We described the importance of being familiar with normal fetal brain anatomy and development for accurate interpretation of fetal brain MR imaging. We
then presented a structured approach to reading the study with examples of pathologies. Familiarity with the normal appearance of the brain at different gestational ages reduces the risk of missing subtle abnormalities, for example, polymicrogyria. Evaluation of the ventricles, midline, gyral
pattern, signal intensity of the cerebral hemispheres, vessels, spine, and head and neck is essential for a systemic evaluation of fetal brain MR imaging.
Learning Objective: Learn how to read fetal brain MRI in a structured approach and be familiar with normal anatomy.
Learning Objective: Learn how to read fetal brain MRI in a structured approach and be familiar with normal anatomy.
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