An Updated and Illustrated Review of the Complex Embryology of the Larynx and How Laryngeal Webs, Atresias, and Stenoses Develop
For more than a century, there have been numerous diverse descriptions of how the larynx develops in utero. The differences have occurred in part due to varying observations regarding the rapid changes that occur within the early embryologic period. However, today there appears to be
a better concept of this complex embryology. This review will present the current understanding of the embryology of the larynx supported by numerous drawings to illustrate the text. The development of the supporting nerves and vessels will also be discussed followed by a review of the clefts,
atresias, and stenoses that occur when this embryology does not proceed normally.
Learning Objectives: Describe the embryologic steps in the development of the larynx and indicate how errors in embryology can cause laryngeal pathology.
Learning Objectives: Describe the embryologic steps in the development of the larynx and indicate how errors in embryology can cause laryngeal pathology.
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: December 1, 2014
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