Transependymal Contrast Leakage into Ventricles in Tuberculous Ependymitis: A Consequence of Dysfunctional Blood-CSF Barrier
Ependymitis or ventriculitis, inflammation of the lining of CSF-filled ventricles, is a rare but potentially serious complication of meningitis. If untreated, the destructive process surmounts the integrity of ependymocytes and increases the leakiness of the blood-CSF barrier. This
case is, to our knowledge, the first reported one of ependymitis with a breach of the blood-CSF barrier complicating tubercular meningitis. It highlights the importance of an NCCT scan and recognition of ependymitis, if any, to prevent therapeutic failure.
Keywords: CECT = contrast-enhanced CT
Document Type: Research Article
Publication date: December 1, 2014
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