@article {Assadsangabi:2020:2637-8329:103, title = "Update on Adult Epilepsy: What Neuroradiologists Should Know", journal = "Neurographics", parent_itemid = "infobike://asnr/ng", publishercode ="asnr", year = "2020", volume = "10", number = "3", publication date ="2020-06-01T00:00:00", pages = "103-124", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "2637-8329", eissn = "2637-8329", url = "https://asnr.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/asnr/ng/2020/00000010/00000003/art00001", doi = "doi:10.3174/ng.1900048", keyword = "VNS = vagus nerve stimulation, RNS = responsive neurostimulation, PXA = pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma, LITT = laser interstitial thermal therapy, TLE = temporal lobe epilepsy, sEEG = stereotactic EEG, PVNH = periventricular nodular heterotopia, HS = hippocampal sclerosis, GluCEST = glutamate chemical exchange saturation transfer, ILAE = International League Against Epilepsy, MTS = mesial temporal sclerosis, DNET = dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor, EEG = electroencephalography, MEG = magnetoencephalography, AED = antiepileptic drug, iEEG = intracranial EEG, SBH = subcortical band heterotopia, FCD = focal cortical dysplasia", author = "Assadsangabi, R. and Baldassano, S. and Gibson, A. and Revell, A. and Chen, H.I. and Lucas, T.H. and Davis, K.A. and Stein, J.M.", abstract = "Neuroimaging is an important component of diagnosis and presurgical planning for localization-related epilepsy. The evaluation and treatment of medication-refractory epilepsy are changing as clinicians move toward less invasive and more selective and adaptive approaches. This article reviews concepts and terms, including the International League Against Epilepsy 2017 revised classification of seizures; presents common lesions and approaches to finding them; and provides updates in advanced structural and functional imaging. Finally, we summarize current less invasive therapies for focal epilepsy.Learning Objectives: 1) To summarize epilepsy terms, concepts, and statistics 2) To identify common epileptogenic lesions and structural imaging pitfalls 3) To become familiar with imaging protocols and techniques including complementary functional imaging 4) To understand new trends and devices in surgical evaluation and therapy ", }