ISSN 2637-8329 (Online)

Head & Neck
A Pictorial Essay of Middle Ear Pathology Correlating Temporal Bone CT and MRI with Archived Otoscopic Photographs
pp. 76-87(12)
Adamo, D.A.; Fender, Q.A.; Hyde, B.J.; Carlson, M.L.; Koeller, K.; Lane, J.I.
Anomalous Extraocular Muscles: A Case Series of Orbital Bands Connecting the Superior Rectus to Inferior Rectus
pp. 88-91(4)
Kightlinger, B.S.; Saraf-Lavi, E.; Sidani, C.
Vocal Cord Paralysis: Review of Imaging Appearance and Etiologies
pp. 92-100(9)
Schneider, A.J.; Winegar, B.A.; Altmeyer, W.; Tantiwongkosi, B.
Approach to Interpretation and Pictorial Review of the Radiographic Appearance of Calvarial Lesions in Adults
pp. 101-114(14)
Streicher, D.A.; Lee, M.J.; Allen, J.W.; Mullins, M.E.
Unusual Extramedullary Plasmacytoma of the Head and Neck: A Case Series
pp. 115-120(6)
Labib, M.L.; Som, P.M.
Review of the Pterygomandibular Raphe
pp. 121-125(5)
Rao, D.; Sandhu, S.J.S.; Ormsby, C.; Natter, P.; Haymes, D.; Cohen, I.; Jenson, M.
Eagle Syndrome Complicated by Posttraumatic Styloid Pseudoarthrosis and Facial Nerve Paralysis
pp. 126-128(3)
Beegle, R.D.; Schmalfuss, I.M.
The Current Concepts of the Embryology of the Lymphatic System
pp. 129-150(22)
Som, P.M.; Francois, M.
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