@article {Lin:2018:2637-8329:424, title = "Two Cases of Diabetic Striatopathy: A Rare Movement Disorder Associated with Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus", journal = "Neurographics", parent_itemid = "infobike://asnr/ng", publishercode ="asnr", year = "2018", volume = "8", number = "6", publication date ="2018-12-01T00:00:00", pages = "424-427", itemtype = "ARTICLE", issn = "2637-8329", eissn = "2637-8329", url = "https://asnr.publisher.ingentaconnect.com/content/asnr/ng/2018/00000008/00000006/art00003", doi = "doi:10.3174/ng.1600046", author = "Lin, S. and Dorr, J. and Pandit, R. and Patel, M.", abstract = "Diabetic striatopathy is the term used to describe a rare syndrome that occurs in patients with nonketotic hyperglycemia. This entity is uncommonly seen but has a distinctive clinical presentation of hemichorea-hemiballismus, with characteristic imaging findings in the basal ganglia. In this report, we present 2 cases of diabetic striatopathy with a brief review of existing literature.", }